Sun 05 Jan
hey GUY'S do YOU want to be RUBBED the right WAY call BRANDY!!!!! 60.00HR - 26
(Tulsa, tulsa and surrounding areas)
Sat 04 Jan
🆕🆕 💋💋A CLaSS aBoVe THe ReST 💋 VIP TReaTMeNT 💋 private & discreet suite 💋💋 - 33
(Oklahoma City, N. May north of NW Expressway)
hey GUYS come WARM up with a MASSAGE and a TREAT by BRANDY!!!! 80.00HR - 26
(Tulsa, tulsa and surrounding areas)
💗💓*💗¸.•Blue Rose Massage•.¸ 💗💓*💗 - 26
(802 W Taft Ave Sapulpa,OK,74066, Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
Fri 03 Jan
hey GUY'S come get a MASSAGE BRANDY'S and also get a SPECIAL TREAT!!! 80.00HR - 26
(Tulsa, tulsa and surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan