Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
♥█ ★CLiCK ME _ CALL ME _ ENJ0Y ME★█ ♥ INCALL ✔ OR OUT✔》》Tulsa - 28
(Tulsa, Tahlequah & Muskogee are outcall only)
DOES'NT anyone want to PLAY wih me come PLAY BRANDY'S way!!!!!! SPECIAL FOR EVERYONE!!!!! - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
Caution- Curves ahead- In all the right places of course ;) 5'2 105lbs 34C **Call Now &ask4; Rachel** - 23
Sexy Mature Classy Upscale BBW ~ Hometown Girl next door! ~ Incalls & Outcalls - 42
(Tulsa, Tulsa ~ Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
Its HOT outside come cool down with a COLD COKE and a SHOT of BRANDY - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
$YuMmY!$ CaNdI iS sWeEt AnD sExY aNd WaNtS yOuR cOmPaNy! ;) CALL NOW! * $MoUtHwAtErInG!$ - 21
hey GUYS want to PLAY with SOMEONE REAL CLICK here!!!!!!!!!! NEW client SPECIAL!!!!! - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
HOWDY NCAA FANS * Welcome to Tulsa! I will show you what TRUE HOSPITALITY IS ALL ABOUT! - 50
(tulsa & surrounding)
Its almost the 4th wanna come make FIREWORKS with BRANDY!!! 75.00HR dont MISS OUT - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
dont be SHY SNEAK away and come PLAY with BRANDY and her friend ASHLEY!!!!!! - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan