Thu 09 Jan
*Outcall §pecial§*This NEW hottie has skills that will amaze you~NEW Brunette bombshell~ Victoria - 21
NEW YEAR'S Specials **T HE°☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°E X P E R I E N C E °☆° - - 28
(Tulsa, Broken Arrow Tulsa)
__ _ ° * come get calm Be4 Da Storm/iNCall !! ____ 100% Recent PiCS!! ____ *• - 22
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city i40)
🚨🚨🚨🎥 ⇩⇩SEXY⇩⇩🎥🚨 SuPer🔥HOT🔥 🚨🚨 ⇩⇩ REAL⇩⇩ 🚨🚨⇩StuNNiNg⇩🎥⇩ BeauTy⇩🎥🚨 ⇩⇩REAL⇩⇩🚨 - 22
(Tulsa, 😀Incalls And OutCalls)
outcalz yes Mia bangz ! !! New mouth piece amazing !! simple and sweet🍭 ✦plusize..espanol - 25
New NAUGHTY VIXEN. 🌹🔥 Out call & in call. YOUr Satisfaction Guaranteed 😘😘🆕 - 21
(Tulsa, Wherever You Need Me 😘)
NEW...-:¦:- RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & -:¦:- sEdUcTiVe -:¦:- PLaYMaTe..NEW - 21
(Tulsa and surrounding areas)
°°o°* ((CAUTION)) °o° (EXTREMELY) ° ☆ ★ °(ADDICTING) °o° 786-390-1180 - 19
(Tulsa and surrounding locations)
New to Tulsa.Let me do what your girl Wont. Top Notch...Late night special thru 2a m call now!! - 27
(Tulsa, east tulsa)
NeW -:¦:- JAWDROPPING -:¦:- BLONDE -:¦:- AMAZING SkiLLS-:¦:- - 23
(Tulsa, 100 INcall Special!Tulsa and Surrounding)
It's 5 o' ClocK SoMeWheRe! CaLL NoW & AsK aBouT My 2 GooD 2 Be TrUe HaPpY Hr $pEcIaL$! 918-313-8769 - 24
(Tulsa, tulsa, ok)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Online)
🍬💋Sweet&Spicy; Mixed Treat🌺Call ME now📱New In Town Let Me Ease Your Mind🎆 In&Out; Call Specials - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc&Sure; Area)
JUICEBOX 👅👅👅GripTight i Make it Tallkk Baaaaccccckkkkkk!! ★ Sock it To Me★♡Good Good Good good!!★ - 26
(Lawton, incalls)
JAPENES █ ▒▒▒GORGEOUS GIRL ❤▒▒▒ ██ ❤$60$60 ❤ ██ ▒▒❤HOT▒▒ 224 239 1752 NEVER RUSH▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ ❤sensual - 20
(Oklahoma City, ok---city. edmond)
: CALL *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* BIG -:¦:- BOOTY-:¦:- GODDESS - 26
(Tulsa, Tulsa in/outcall)
☆ °P° __ °L° __ °A° __ °Y° ________ °T° __°I° __ °M° __ °E° ☆ - 19
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surroundings)
Wed 08 Jan
ღ╮✳️ 【READY NoW 】 ✳️╭ღ╯ 【LeT's】✿★✿▬📳【MAkE╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯🚺 【YoUR】▬✿✿▬ 【Fantasy】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎❎❎▬【TrUe - 22
(Oklahoma City, meridian)
Plus size doll💖Yum Yum 💖🍭🍌CⓞMⓔ ☆Ge T🍭ThESe👅Bun§ 🍭 New ✦💞 BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ Killer Mouth👅💋💖 - - 26
HersheY KISSES ReAdy TO SHOw U A GoOd TIme!!!!!!$$$!! NAsTy Time - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc surrounding)
45 yr old SeXy CoUgAr ! SpEcIAlS donation 100 incall 405 482-4635 405 633-4351 24/7 se okc i - 45
(Oklahoma City, se 82 st and i 35 south)
**☆☆☆☆☆five star upscale treatment ♡♡♡♡♡♡100%the girl of you dreams --ready to play --gentlemen o/l - 29
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city,okc)
CLICK 👆 HERE ♋ :+: AmAZiNg BODY♡100%REAL ALL ME♡Hott & Sexy ★★Pic PROOF BETTER than the REST !★xoxo - 28
(Oklahoma City, Del City/240)
NEW PICS of KELLY the MILF! ask me about my "Early Bird gets THE WORM" SPECIAL till 9am ONLY - 50
N*A*U*G*H*T*Y never looked this N*I*C*E - 19
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, 10 minutes away)
▂▃▄▅██▓ ☀ ▓██▅▄▃Asian▂ kiss💋💋💋 Nude NAked B2B Include💋shower together real young Asian405-423-5294 - 20
(Oklahoma City, edmond in call only)
—I———W—A—N —T————T—O——— B—E————Y—O—U—R ———F—A—V—O—R—I T—E—————— - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa & surrounding areas)
*-:¦:-* ❤ *TOP* -:¦:- *NOTCH* -:¦:- *SPECIALS* ❤ *-:¦:-* Brianna_Star - 21
(EarlyBird&LateNite; Specials!)
♢♢♢♢ TOES curled, EYES closed, time of YOUR life TULSA's BEST BBW $50 & $60 specials♢♢♢♢ - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
💙Stunning Mixed Beauty💙 Pint-Size Spinner 💙 Habla Espanol💙 AVAILABLE NOW💙 CERTIFIED Provider - 21
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surrounding Areas)
Tue 07 Jan