Mon 27 Jan
Just Turned 18, Beautiful and Sexy, Perfect Body, Let's Meet Today Before I Get Older :) - 18
****let me free your mind!!!!! clean ,discreet, no rush or hassel!) - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding)
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special! - 19
(In town, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
☑ (( Front Door )) ☑ ((Back )) ☑ (( BB )) WhAt MorE CouLd YoU AsK FoR ?? - 28
(Incall/Outcall-Tulsa, Oklahoma)
GOT PINK? {U could} with {1 call} *HOT* * & *JUICY* 2 * { U+ ME =-} E*c*$*T*a*$*Y* - 25 - 25
(Tulsa, {61st & Mingo} * {Incall Only})
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 25
(Tulsa, {61st & Mingo Area} * {$$100$$pecial$$})
☔️💦☔️💦☔️ 🚧 CAUTION🚧 So dangerous you might get" 💦💦💦💦"and explode!!! - 49
(Incall and outcall, Tulsa)
CAUTION•*¨¨*• SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*• MY •*¨¨*• BEST •*¨¨*• QUALITY! •*¨¨*• GUARANTEED - - 29
( 100 donation Specials )~~~£¥€👀👀*° ¢@Nd¥🍬🍬° [New in town] Petite €B0N¥ V!X€N 😘 - 21
(Oklahoma City, SE okc (Incall special))
DANCERS, MODELS ACTRESSES! Earn up to $1000 A DAY and more! Licensed, Legal, Safe, Fun! 18+ only - 26
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, Colorado & International)
~ stop calling the rest, Im the best. Seven is my name & guaranteed pleasure is the game ! ~ - 19
Sun 12 Jan
Sexy • brunette• •Available Now ! OUTCALLS Only !! 2 hr special - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc and surrounding areas !!)
★★▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ █▒✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ ★★ Specials - 22
(Tulsa, Dont Miss My Memorial Day Specials)
×X× • Ⓢ Ⓔ ⓧ ⓨ • ♥ ♡•❣ρℓαγℳα†Ɛ♥ ♡•❣ ✌PErFeCt ➓ * SPECiAL *100% ⓡⓔⓐⓛ & ⓤⓝⓡⓤⓢⓗⓔⓓ * - 27
(Tulsa, Tulsa incall only)
Sat 11 Jan
seeking something sweet and friendly?,give this little sexy EXOTIC pleasure goddess a chance - 21
(Oklahoma City)
Outcalls Only✿ ~* 💕💜💋 Baddest 💕💕💜$80$ InTheCity $80$ 💕💕💜 ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ 💕EXOTIC💕💜 FREAK - 23
(Tulsa, Your Place OutCalls!!! Tulsa! $80$)
JuSt WhaT YoU OrDeReD! WILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe!»** SEXY and classy MATURE woman VISITING
Fri 10 Jan
I DoNt TaKe DiReCtIoNs... I GiVe ThEm SeDuCtIvE PlAyMaTe !!!.... ** OkC #1 BeSt ** ?? ? 405-589-1594 - 28
(Oklahoma City, ( IN & Out Calls) Opts..Only Please!!!)
▓▓▓ C ▓▓ L ▓▓▓ I ▓▓ C ▓▓ K ▓▓ ★★★★ ▓▓ H ▓▓▓ E ▓ ▓▓ R ▓▓▓ E ▓▓✔ SEXY ★★ UPSCALE **PLAYMATE ▓▓✔▓▓✔ - 19
MIXX )) ___ *BARBiE* ___ {SuPeR} ___ :S W E E T: ___ [&] ___ =YUMMY= _____ AVAiLABLE N0W! - 19
(Tulsa & surrounding cities)
Escort service needs Sweet voice Just a little Experience required Paid Daily CASH! - 35
(Tulsa, your area)
.♥.** * .♥.** (S)(E)( X)(Y) (T)(O)(U)(C)(H ) Special .♥. .♥.** - 24
(Tulsa, Tulsa and Surrounding Areas)
Thu 09 Jan